Image: SABA bo v svojem poslovanju nadaljevala že dosežene poslovne uspehe tudi v bodoče.

Ustvarjanje poslovnih temeljev SABA bo v svojem poslovanju nadaljevala že dosežene poslovne uspehe tudi v bodoče.
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Image: Članstvo v SABA je odprto za vsa podjetja in posameznike, ki imajo interes po večjem…

Povezovanje podjetij Članstvo v SABA je odprto za vsa podjetja in posameznike, ki imajo interes po večjem in kvalitetnejšem poslovnem sodelovanju med ZDA in Republiko Slovenijo.
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“I am very happy to be partnering with SABA to provide business to business connections with Slovenian firms and companies in Pittsburgh and all over Pennsylvania. We have significant opportunities for collaboration, and SABA is helping us greatly.”

Image of: Petra Mitchell

Petra Mitchell Honorary Consul for the Slovenia in Pennsylvania

This organization is designed and intended to assist various organizations in establishing contacts, locating sources of products and services, as well as providing support in the finer arts of business relations.

Image of: Joseph J. Kokal

Joseph J. Kokal Owner, J. J. KOKAL & ASSOCIATES, INC.

In constant search of new challenges and opportunities we decided to join SABA, the association of experts willing to listen every entrepreneur who wishes to break into global markets. We have a good relationship with SABA and are very pleased with their quick response and counseling.

Image of: Boštjan Cipot

Boštjan Cipot Owner&CEO PAMA Hiše d.o.o.

SABA is not only a unique meeting place for Slovenian and American businesses but also a proactive facilitator of trade and investment links. It relies on a vast pool of shared knowledge and can add great value to a very wide contact network of its members.

Image of: Božo Cerar

Božo Cerar Former Ambassador, Republic of Slovenia

SLO As a president of Global Cleveland, I fully support the Slovenian-American Business Association and I look forward to working with them on their future projects to improve business relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the City of Cleveland.

Image of: Joe Cimperman

Joe Cimperman President, Global Cleveland

On behalf of the SNPJ Executive Committee, I am honored to express our full support for the Slovenian-American Business Association (SABA).

Image of: Joseph C. Evanish

Joseph C. Evanish FLMI National President, SNPJ

A few years ago, the United States primarily competed within its own borders. Today, we compete with and against the world. It is truly a very fluid business climate. Without strategic partners around the world, it is very difficult to compete.

Image of: Bob Hopkins

Bob Hopkins Project Manager, Godfrey & Wing Inc.

Naši glavni cilji

Podpora podjetju Podpirati poslovno sodelovanje med Republiko Slovenijo in Združenimi državami Amerike.

Stimulate Trade Stimulate trade, cooperation in development, investments and other economic relations between Slovenia and the USA.

Izmenjava informacij & Organize Spodbujanje izmenjave informacij med gospodarstvom in vladnimi institucijami ter organiziranje izobraževalnih seminarjev za predstavnike podjetij iz Republike Slovenije in ZDA

”Poslovne priložnosti so kot avtobusi, vedno pride naslednji.” - Richard Branson, ustanovitelj Virgin Group


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